Outclass the Competition
Harold Almon (512) 281-2699
Harold Almon (512) 281-2699
Remember the sign, "Gentleman, consider yourself at home now, and please, sit down. If you must stand, prove you are neat - straddle the bowl, in your bare feet. Be at ease. Sit down." Scoot forward. Point yourself to the side toilet wall. (It is the silent way to go.)
When you elect to stand, place tissue between seat and the rim and lift up the seat. Flush as you go. Get new tissue and blot yourself. Blotting residue is easier than wearing it, I assure you. Remember to flush, and to put the seat down from the top, when you are finished. If you dirty the seat or the floor (and you will), search for paper toweling or tissue, and the Windex or Lysol spray hidden behind the toilet, and clean it. Next time remember the sign. You can sanitize a seat with the 91% rubbing alcohol you keep in your drawer.
When you are seated longer, remember the rules for a dry wipe: get paper, pick up and off as much as you can away from you.
Then fold the paper and wipe yourself twice: more than one finger, more than one time, one finger at a time. Look at the paper; toss it. Repeat the process until it is clean. After, you can stand up, wait thirty seconds, lift the toilet seat up with new tissue, place one foot on the toilet bowl, and with fresh paper check again. You may spread you legs, bend over and down, and check. Better to find out now than later. If you are foul, get new paper, and wipe in the opposite direction; toss it. You are done, when you are clean. You may do this again just prior to your bath or shower.) You could wet the tip of folded paper with water from the sink; or flush and dip the tip into clean flowing water, blot and wipe yourself. You might elect to wipe using tissue and a lotion. Anything left you get to wear. There is no such thing as a dry wipe. You would not do it to a baby. Baby yourself.
After difficult times, get new paper and wipe under toilet seat, and in the toilet wipe away any residue. Flush or trash this paper. Thank you. Strive to eliminate any odor not considered desirable in a bathroom environment. You can hold a blown out sulfur match until the smoke dissipates, and then deposit it in an ashtray or in the toilet and flush it. Only first, you have to find out who still makes a sulfur match.
You may search for and use Lysol® air freshener. Spray under the seat. Spray the water in short bursts. Then flush. Step back and wait thirty seconds, (it works.) You could spray each with a breath spray. As a last resort, you could wipe the seat and under the bowl with 91% alcohol.
Wash your hands. Turn on the faucet at least once while in the bathroom. Wet the soap, if only to make someone believe that before leaving the bathroom you really did use it. It may be easier to wash your hands really. Use cold water and soap. Wet your hands. Wash each by agitating one against the other. Rinse them. You may wash your hands with hydrogen peroxide alone or with a hand sanitizer, anytime you wish. Clean under each fingernail from the tip to each under skin. Use a fingernail on one hand to clean behind the fingernails on the other hand. At home, this action may be done using a fingernail brush. Inspect your nails and repeat the process or relax and enjoy them. Hands are to be washed each time after you finish in the bathroom. This action will help someone decide if you are to help with the dishes or to eat off paper plates. You can use a tissue or a paper towel to turn off the water. You may use the same paper to open the bathroom door. Leave the bathroom ready to receive the next person. Before leaving the bathroom, you could take another paper towel and wipe the mirror, sink and the faucet. You might use 91% alcohol to do this and leave each item shining. Wipe the floor as required. Get new paper and wipe the top of the toilet seat, and the space just behind it, and place any trash in a receptacle. Bless you. The statement to use for someone who is making the trip may be, “Let me see (if so & so is in,) “I think that (he or she) has just stepped out.”
Note: The guide is a breach of etiquette: The rule: “What is done behind the door of a bathroom is private.” And, yes it is, until another person is listening, enters the room, or smells you.
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