Men's Business Etiquette
Professional and Graduate
University Grooming Etiquette
University Grooming Etiquette
Traditions Governing
Social Behavior
Cool Rules to Know
A Be at Ease School of Etiquette Course Guide
Text by
Harold Almon
Published by
At Ease Press
All rights reserved including the right to reproduce this book, or parts thereof, in any form, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.
ISBN 978-0-917921-12-4
Copyright (c) 2016
Printed in the United States of America
Text by
Harold Almon
Business Social Etiquette Lessons for College and University Students is a book about traditions governing everyday business social behavior - cool rules to know.
“Do not hate the player or the game.
Hate (having the talent, and)
Not knowing the rules.”
Those who have talent and execute the rules best wins.
Etiquette: considerations that delay the inevitability of war and license whereby someone may sue for peace.
Before you agree to stay, there are rules about tradition: how you get approval that someone really meant to tell you. There are things you want to remember, and enjoy, and games you want to know how to play.
In home training, there were comments made to you from someone like me: “Why can not you be more like Johnny?” There were tests, and gold stars. There was allowance and permission. There was being grounded and there were other forms of adult imposed punishment. And there was the knowledge that when you got a car, home, or a business, of your very own, you could run each - anyway you wanted. Gold stars were given based on how well you could test. Performance was rated not based on "Hard work," but on "Good work,” how well a job is thought to have been done: approval.
In business, (in the place you are now,) no one makes comments anymore, but they still speak fondly of Johnny. There are still gold stars, given based on tests. There is still performance and approval. There is unhired, and there are still other forms of adult imposed punishment. If you are lucky, someone will tell you about consideration, that when you get “one” of your very own, playing by the rules - is no less a requirement. Staying is based on approval and personality: how well you play.
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