Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Men's Grooming Guide 25-36

A Male Manicure Finger Nail Care Maintaining Your Claws

Maintain your nails. Take the nail test; hold each nail against a mirror, one at a time. Look through the mirror at each cuticle, at each nail underline, and at each nail tip. What you see is what other people get to look at when they or you are eating or drinking with you.  If you are going to eat with someone, do your nails or have them done. 

Get your nails chlorine clean, unless you are allergic to it; soak your nails in bleach for four to five minutes.  It will become warm and start to foam. Your fingernail will begin to feel slimy (no other way to say it). Now rinse them with cold water until they feel like tile that was just cleaned.

Next buff each of your nails with a terry cloth towel; take a look and enjoy. Take the mirror test again, now flash: fling your nails forward at that same mirror. (Damn, that shine looks good on you. Avoid doing this often, unless there is a need to show off. Be easy on ’em. Avoid any shine provided by nail polish. Be easy on yourself. It has been said to whiten your nail tips, soak them in distilled vinegar, before or after buffing.

Learn the art of doing your nails. Take your thumb and/or index finger and pull the topsides of each of your nails down. What you see is what affects your shadow line. There is to be a u-shaped line around each cuticle that is smooth and catches a shadow. This may take some filing….

Men Filing Fingernails
File your fingernails. Use an emery board when you can. This is to be done when nails are dry. Fold your fingers toward you. File away any overgrowth exposed on your nail sides. File sides in to meet the natural line of the cuticle beds. Remove and smooth rough skin along the sides of the nails. Look for the C curve, tomorrow.

Next, you can use the finishing side of your emery board to file down any imperfections, stains, and ridges on each nail. Then, place the shaping side of an emery board under the nail edge at a slant. Start one-eighth inch in and file each nail in from side to center down until each is even with the tips of your fingers. Each nail is to complement the shape of each well-maintained cuticle. Ensure each nail is the same length or in visual sync with each other. Then file behind the tip of each nail so that a clear separation between skin and nail is evident. Wet your nails. File each nail again, if any back nail membrane becomes evident, file it off.

You may shape the underskin, to duplicate the nail tip. Use a nail file, tweezers tip, cuticle cutter tip, or a toothpick. Place the item under the nail and gently move it (no lower than a one-eighth inch down) and to the left or right. Outline the shape of the underskin to mirror the tip of the nail.

Male Cuticle Care

You could take a corner of wet terry cloth and rub your cuticles back, down, and to the right and left to get all but the most difficult dead skin off each of them. This will create a shadow line around the bed of each nail. (Ensure your cuticles are moistened to affect this process.) Should your cuticle tear, nip it with a cuticle cutter. This is the only real function for this tool. You may allow it to dry overnight, and to be rubbed away tomorrow. You can push back your cuticles. You may do this after a bath, or a shower. You may just wet your nails with cold water. Then use a tip of an emery board to push your cuticle tips back off your nail surface. The first time you lift your cuticles back they may be sensitive: hurt for a day or two. (Moisturize them.) Maintaining your cuticles takes a little practice: rub, moisturize, oil, file, and/or at last resort, nip them. Once tried, it only takes a little time for correction later. You might omit to do this or have it done by a professional, who promises only to nip at but not cut them. Moisturize your cuticles daily. Lotion them over oiling them. You can apply Hoofmaker cream®, Cornhuskers Lotion®), or a cuticle care cream, to each nail bed with your thumbs. Each substance will assist in the care of your nails, and help to identify nail overgrowth that was overlooked; corrections can be made now or the next time. It may be done with a lotion to allow a groomed shadow line to “Pop.”  Go ahead and flash.
Omit a moisturizer to your hands at times when "clean hands only" are a condition of your employment.

Repairing Male Nails
Wet and rub your cuticles and nails with a wet terry cloth over filing them. The process is called “Rolling.” File them over cutting them. Cut only the part of a nail or cuticle that is torn.

Make repairs to your nails. When two or more nails are chipped or broken on the same hand, all nails on that hand are to be filed to the length of the shortest nail. You can add a gelatin product in your diet. Eat vegetables. Own a nail clipper if only for the file. When cleaning behind your nails in a rush it beats a brush.  A man may rarely take care of his nails the way he could.  He could be talked into letting someone else do it for him. Get a manicure. Avoid letting your cuticles be cut, or your nails say bad things about you.           ___________

Be alerted that white-spots on your fingernails may be a sign that you have a protein processing deficiency: too much dairy, or that you have bruised a nail. Do not worry. A sign of a vitamin deficiency could be ridges on your fingernails. So could the peeling of skin at the sides of your nails. You might take an RDA minimum multiple-vitamin, say every other day, until the peeling of skin goes away.

Buff your nails. This can be done by using a piece of terry cloth, or with a rubber buffer. Avoid adding polish to this shine. O.K, now look at the last pictures that include your nails. Know that each nail will look that much better the next time. You can go and get a test.

A Male Pedicure Toenail Maintenance Maintaining Your Paws

Perform toenail maintenance. Avoid “Hobbit feet.” File your toenails (paws) over a toilet seat. Lift your feet atop the seat. File each toenail straight across the tip. Trim the nail back to meet the tip of your toe. You can use an emery board to do this. Let the filings go down and then around. Avoid digging under or behind your toenails. Then a callus remover may be used to remove any from your feet. You could scrape away any overgrowth or ridges on top of each toenail. Once a week take your dogs outside: look at your feet while seated on an isolated bench. This is how others see your feet.  Take your tools with you; you may want to refine your maintenance process.

Feet can be soaked during a bath in a tub, or in metal or non-porous bowl in water and baking soda solution to combat foot odor. Feet could be soaked in a bowl of warm water to which you add half a cup of distilled vinegar or tea, or salted water, to assist in the elimination of FO and Athlete's Feet. Each act might aid in the removal of under the toenail dirt. Take care to dry your feet and between your toes. This can be done again with tissue or a paper towel. You can apply a deodorant powder to your feet, or in each of your shoes.

Avoid dry cracked heels. You might coat your feet in a small amount of baby oil, corn oil, or V05, to add moisture and to seal it in. (Lotion the body, oil the feet.) Most times I cheat and lotion the feet.

Male Toenail Fungus

Get a toenail fungus, get an anti-fungal medicine. You can literally piss on your toenails, or soak them in it, to eliminate it, as an alternative treatment, but you knew that.

At a minimum, you may soak toenail fungus in distilled vinegar or a saline solution alone.

You could soak or spray with water, tea tree oil, and Epson salt each toenail twice a day, to see if that works.

You can coat each toenail in Vicks VapoRub®. What could it hurt? For each modality listed, you may do an engine search.

Occasionally, you can treat yourself to a professional pedicure. Let the foot and leg massage happen. The person who accidentally rubs against your toenails will thank you.

You can pour a capful of hydrogen peroxide into your sneakers, let it fizzle, then pour it out, and let each dry. Bacterium (funk) is to be afforded every chance to die. You may pour some baking soda inside your shoe, and pound it and the funk back out.

You can store newspaper inside of each shoe to dry moisture left inside. Get two pairs of shoes. Between wearing shoes, each needs one day to dry out.

Male Body Hair Care

Clean your outer ears with your washcloth and then again with a cotton-tipped swab. Place nothing into your inner ear smaller than your elbow. Have any ear wax removed by a professional or by directions from one.  I have poured peroxide in my ears to get wax out.  I would engine search this is I were you before you do. (Get earplugs for your nightlife.) Get a spare pair for a date or guest, just in case the concert is loud, or one of you snores.

Get a pair of tweezers. Remove sprouting hairs once a week. Inside your ears, hair removal is to be done by you, a professional, or by a friend.

Next, look in a mirror. Squint your eyes and flare your nostrils. Do a pig-poke; turn your head to the side. Push up the tip of your nose. Look for any hairs that protrude from in or under it. Tweeze them out or nip them with cuticle scissors, or trim/trowel them out with a disposable razor.  Come here.

You can go on and shave the hair on your chest. You may have someone shave the hair off your back. This requires the assistance of an assistant. It is to be shaved (the way it grows). Exfoliate 24 hours after the skin is made bare. You can augment this with a waxing of any ingrown hairs. A clipper can be used to shave hair en masse. A spread of cream or aloe gel may be placed on the hair to facilitate it being shaved with a double bladed razor. Implement blades are to be cleaned with 91% alcohol.

Men Shaving Down There

You can shave down there. All hair below your midsection may be shaved with or without a lubricant. (It is just that soft.) You could experience mild discomfort in the form of an ingrown hair. You might tweeze it or let it go away naturally. You may shave down there while seated on your throne or chair. You could stand, hold on, and shave forward. Shaving down there can provide a lowered temperature. It may give an extra dose of hormone. It could make you more virile. It might improve blood circulation (to the genitals). You can place a water-based lotion in this area. In more than one part of the world, male hair below the mid-section is shaved every day. At a public bath, there could be a visual advantage. Fewer people will mysteriously think that you are unsanitary or stink. Avoid waxing, the look you are going for is a new man, not newborn. In the United States of America, you might leave a top patch (and go macho). 

Leg hair can be shaved. Prior to doing this skin is to be wet. Then you can apply a shaving cream or lotion. A dual edge blade may provide an efficient shave. The leg is then to be rinsed and dried. Moisturizer can now be applied. Removing sprouting hair can be done by electrolysis. It may be done by laser, but where? There is an aerodynamic advantage to and of bare shin. It can make for a more pleasant massage. It may be a necessity for a sport or a profession. It has been seen to help make some swim faster.

Male Deodorant Smelling Too Good

Have a deodorant of choice. Consider its use as mandatory. You can apply one before going to bed. After a few days, this action will show daytime benefit. If your armpits become irritated switch scents before switching labels.  You may use White vinegar instead of a deodorant. You could use 91% rubbing alcohol. Wring each hair with it. Do this with a cloth or cotton ball. You might use lemon juice. I have not had to use a deodorant in years. Occasionally I use one when I will be in company. Additionally, a body lotion has been seen used to assist in combating overall body odor. Avoid antiperspirants. Have a scent of your own. Eat pineapple. You can eat leafy vegetables. You may eat parsley, chopped in salad, with or without lemon over it. It may assist in giving your body a clean musky scent. You could wear matched toiletries in the same scent.  You might shop for odor free toiletries and top off unscented items with a spray of a light scent of cologne. Hold the bottle twelve inches away. Spray, and then walk into it. Even an animal does not spray itself intentionally-much. Want more? At night, you might spray away from the back of your knees, or the panels to your bedroom door. Know this; too much of your cologne could be hazardous to other people’s health. There is such a thing as being too clean and smelling too good, but generally, people will forgive you. Forget one of these actions, and someone will remember that there was something they really did mean to tell you.

At home, you can forgo deodorant for the last day before your weekend, and just rinse. For social reasons, you may want to develop a natural musky scent. 

Remember after three days fresh bodies and fish begin to stink; back to deodorant, or to what you use as a deodorant. Avoid Body odor being the number one turn-off listed by people who use to know you. Know that the use of too much cologne could be listed as turn-off number three.

Old Spice works still because daddies wear it. A son does well to make use of his Father’s Christmas present.

You can elect to have a natural scent.  You may attract and mark someone with it.  It may be a funky signature scent for which someone could remember you, or recall your past presence. Avoid it being just funk.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Men Personal Grooming 36-47

Men Leaving the Bathroom
Before leaving the bathroom, cup any lit candle with the back of your hand and blow it out. Take a paper towel and wipe the mirror dry. You can wipe the rest down with 91% alcohol.  It will clean counters and make fixtures shine.  Take more; dry the floor. Put the used paper towel in the trashcan. Leave the bathroom ready to receive the next person, or for the next time.
 Place your personal items on a tray, bucket, or container. Take it out of the bathroom, or place it in a drawer.
 You can store your items in a drawer in your room, or in your gym bag. You may use a bathroom nightstand.
 Take your towel with you. Leave the door open. You can fold your towel in half, place it over a hanger, and take it to the designated place where it is to dry. Avoid placing wet anything in with your dirty laundry.
 Once dry you may place it in a hamper, or hang it on a rack in your room, or behind the closet door, to use for one more day.

Male Bathroom “WC” Conduct
 The trip can begin with the statement, “I’ll be right back, or with the question, “Where can I wash my hands?” This phrase only works in the USA. Outside of its where is the “WC.” wash closet: a room containing a toilet and often a wash bowl. Always sit down when using the toilet in a private home. Upon entering the bathroom, lock the door. Turn on the light. You can turn on the water if you are well bred or just shy.
 Remember the sign, "Gentleman, consider yourself at home now, and please, sit down. If you must stand, prove you are neat - straddle the bowl, in your bare feet. Be at ease. Sit down."  Scoot forward. Point yourself to the side toilet wall. (It is the silent way to go.)
 When you elect to stand, place tissue between the seat and the rim and lift up the seat. Flush as you go, or (again,) point the head of the hose to the side toilet wall. Do this out of courtesy; no one wants to hear you piss. When you are done, get new tissue or a pad, blot yourself. Blotting residue is easier than wearing and smelling like it, I assure you. Remember to flush, and to put the seat down from the top, when you are finished.  If you dirty the seat or the floor (and you will), search for paper toweling or tissue, and the Windex or Lysol spray hidden behind the toilet and clean it. Next time remember the sign.

When you are seated longer, remember the rules for a dry wipe: get paper, use only two to three sheets, then legs apart, bend forward as far as you can, and then hold and feel where you think you want to wipe. Clean back to the front, then front to back, with one finger, fold and repeat until there is no track. Then the way to check is to scrape side to side until you are dry.  
You can wet wipe: get the tip of folded paper wet with water from the sink; or flush and dip the tip into clean flowing water, and wipe yourself. Some find that there is no such thing as a dry wipe. You would not do it to a baby.  You might then elect to get a dry paper and blot yourself, until you are clean, and scrape until you are dry. Anything you leave you will get to wear.
 Repeat the blotting process until you are clean like there was going to be an inspection. You are done, when you are clean, then you can scrape until you are dry. This never was about just wiping. Better to find out now than later. This can be done with 1 paper towel.
After difficult times, get new paper and sanitize the seat with the and 91% alcohol from the bottle you keep behind the toilet or in a drawer. Wipe under the toilet seat, and in the toilet wipe away any residue. Flush or trash this paper. Thank you.

Strive to eliminate any odor not considered desirable in a bathroom environment. You can hold a blown out sulfur match until the smoke dissipates, and then flush it. Only first, you have to find out who still makes a sulfur match. You may search for and use Lysol® air freshener. Spray under the seat. Spray the water in short bursts. Then flush. Step back and wait thirty seconds (It works.) As a last resort, you could spray cologne.

Wash your hands. Turn on the faucet at least once while in the bathroom. Wet the soap, if only to make someone believe that before leaving the bathroom you really did use it. It may be easier to wash your hands really. Use cold water and soap. Wet your hands. Wash each by agitating one against the other. Rinse them. You may wash your hands with hydrogen peroxide alone or with a hand sanitizer, anytime you wish. Clean under each fingernail from the tip to each under the skin. Use a fingernail, on one hand, to clean behind the fingernails on the other hand. At home, this action may be done using a fingernail brush. This could be done with a toothpick, or with tweezers. Inspect your nails and repeat the process or relax and enjoy them.

Hands are to be washed each time after you finish in the bathroom. This action will help someone decide if you are to help with the dishes or to eat off paper plates. You can use a tissue or a paper towel to turn off the water. You may use the same paper to open the bathroom door.

Leave the bathroom ready to receive the next person. Before leaving the bathroom, you could take another tissue and wipe the mirror, sink and the faucet. You might use tissues and 91% alcohol to do this. Both can leave each item shining. Wipe the floor as required. Get new paper and wipe the top of the toilet seat, and the space just behind it, and place any trash in a receptacle.  Bless you.  The statement to use for someone who is making the trip may be, “Let me see (if so & so is in,) Then say, “So and so is not available just now,” or that, “He or she) has just stepped out.”
Note: The guide is a breach of etiquette:  The rule: “What is done behind the door of a bathroom is private.”  And, yes it is true, until another person is listening, enters the room, or smells you.

Not an expert in this, just providing some stuff, you can engine search, and do if you wish.

Male Changes and Check-Ups
 Make changes to your physical appearance, when any abnormality or disfiguring flaw makes you miserable, or make it your trademark and do nothing about it. Report all herbs, medicines, and supplements you are taking to your pharmacist.  Have them logged into a computer. Update this list. With each new prescription ask, “Can I take grapefruit juice with this?”

Get an itch on your body, rub a cut tomato on it, and let it sit. Yeah, it works, no...Shhh…. Olive oil and salt can do the same thing. Get an itch in your groin area (a sign that you are maybe a jock), get a medicine. Get an itch in your feet (a sign you are an athlete,) get a medicine. Both jock itch and Athlete's feet are treatable and are something you can talk about freely with friends, family, your doctor, and pharmacist. Other subjects you may discuss can concern flatulence, tail itch, hemorrhoids, and testicular lumps. (You are not alone.)
If it drips, trickles, burns, sprouts, or smells, if emissions are anything but white or clear, get to a health care center, or to your doctor; get each item checked.  Know this; there is a cure for that.  “And there is a reason not to go barefoot in a barnyard.” If it sniffles, I put Vicks vapor rub on it: in my nose and on my chest as my mother did, as she said, “You are going to school tomorrow.” Father said, “Eat some; it will not kill you.” And I did until I read the directions.

Come here. Your skin is an organ. Once a year, have it professionally checked. Learn how to check for testicular cancer and breast cancer; men are dying but to know. You can ask for and maintain a copy of each of your dental and medical records. 
Once a year get a complete medical checkup. You can get some medical tests: never fear, it is a A1C (Glycohemoglobin) test, BMP (Basic Metabolic panel), CBC: (Complete Blood Count), CMP: Comprehensive metabolic panel), A fasting blood lipids test: (Lipids Blood Test), GRE:  (Gluten resistenceRE), (Gluten Sensitivity Intolerance Test), IGF1: (Insulin-like Growth Factor – 1 Test ), Phthalates test, TSH: (thyroid-stimulating hormoneVitamin D, Omega Index 3 and a Urine test, that will help you tell how well your body uses what you provide as fuel (with the things missing and added no real thanks to you). If you are vegan or vegetarian, check to see your levels of B12. Food is fuel; see how it is helping to run your body. If you are a carnivore, check for fiber and  A, C, E, D, and K; folate, calcium, and manganese, also do this if your diet is mainly (Fast food, Pizza, or Ramen).  Eggs can make up for the missing vitamins A, E, D, and folate. Still, you need C, (citrus) to avoid the serious risk of scurvy.
Have a checklist of questions to ask your doctor.  It is your job to keep your body up to date, and to decide what you will and will not take.  It can be your job to spearhead the quest for the discovery of a cure. 

Medicine knows that the money is in the maintenance and in secondary sales. You can French press coffee and never as much as look for a paper filter.  Pick the things on which you will allow yourself to be dependent. Single source the list of all your pharmaceuticals.

Midsection Muscle Management
Manage the muscles in your mid-section. If you keep announcing that you are going to the gym.  And you get naked and do not look like you have been.  Someone may ask that you stop carrying that bag. 

We are judged by our midsection.  Midsection muscle management can be as simple as twisting side to side, up and down or left and right, like the leaves on a tree. You can be Fit by the Force of Wind®. You can burn fat; it is up to you if you want to lose weight also. You may move (exercise) for five hundred repetitions for maintenance or forty minutes (or twice that,) a day. In this, like in that, biosphere, your major job is to stand tall, react to the force or wind, be reasonably healthy, and to look good naked, or to try. You could do this and never break a sweat. You may walk back and forth on a treadmill, for thirty minutes, at a low speed, and pull in your midsection, front and back, and enjoy the yawn.  I will run when a tree does. I will see you when you get back from burning fat.

You may lift light weights, five, ten, or fifteen pounds per hand, and look up or down as you are pulling in. You can sit down at a machine and go side to side or front to back learn the power of the wind starting at zero.  You could lift more if you want.  Go be young.

Men's Personal Grooming 64-85

Men’s Business Etiquette
Cool Rules to Know 

Men’s Business Etiquette In US ISBN 978-0-917921-12-4

Professional and Graduate
Male Care Matters
Things Expected from the Male Half

Traditions Governing                 
Business and Social Behavior               

University Etiquette
Outclass the Competition
An At Ease Press Etiquette Guide                                   
A Be at Ease School of Etiquette Course Guide                      


Text by
Harold Almon

Published by
At Ease Press

All rights reserved including the right to reproduce this guide, or parts thereof, in any form, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.

ISBN 978-0-917921-12-4  
Copyright (c) 2012, 2019
Printed in the United States of America

Text by
Harold Almon


Men’s Business Etiquette is about cool rules to know: traditions governing business and social behavior, consideration, and taste: things expected from male young professionals and university students. 
“Do not hate the player or the game.
Hate (having the talent, and)
Not knowing the rules.”
Those who have talent and execute the rules best wins.

Etiquette: considerations that delay the inevitability of war and the license whereby someone may sue for peace. 

Business Social Traditions

Before you agree to stay, there are rules about business social traditions: how you get approval that someone really meant to tell you. There are things you want to remember and enjoy, and games you want to know how to play.

.In home training, there were comments made to you from someone like me: “Why cannot you be more like Johnny?” There were tests, and gold stars, allowance, permission, and being grounded; and there were other forms of adult-imposed punishment. And there was the knowledge that when you got a car, home, or a business, of your very own, you could run each - any way you wanted. Gold stars were given based on how well you could test. Your performance was rated, not based, on "Hard work," but on "Good work,” how well a job is thought to have been done: approval.

In business, (in the place you are now,) no one makes comments anymore, but they still speak fondly of Johnny. There are still gold stars, given based on tests. There is performance, and approval, and “Unhired,” and there are other forms of adult-imposed punishment. If you are lucky, someone will tell you about consideration, that when you get “one” of your very own, playing by the rules - is no less a requirement.

Staying is based on personality and approval: how well you are thought to play.

This guide covers rules on men’s etiquette. Remember rule number one; it matters, and rule number two; he who has talent and executes the rules best wins. Let the games begin.

Men Get a Public Business Partner

Avoid attempting to master business-social etiquette alone. Get a public partner. Share social information with this person. Share the process. Get, and provide feedback.

In business, it is not a matter of being good enough or knowing your stuff. It is a matter of how well you play, and how you will play at the next level. Attend social events with your partner. Where possible, this person is to be of the opposite sex. After five o'clock, the public partner for a married person is to be his or her spouse. Your public partner need not be a romantic interest. He or she may be retained long after any romance is over.

Share games. If you are lucky, your partner will know how to play golf, tennis, racket ball, and cards. He or she will have been to a museum, theater, opera, on a cruise, or on an away trip, at least once.  Share parties. If luckier still, your partner will know how to dine: attend a business social party,  and practice and share skills in business dinner etiquette, and know the prerequisites to business success: how to engage in table talk, not drink or talk too much, and know how to dance.

Give back, volunteer. Join a committee. Accept an appointment to a board. Join an association. Take an academic class. It is in one of these environments a partner of choice will be most evident doing social polishing: making mistakes where it counts the least, practicing social graces, and being firm and considerate.

Your social partner will be aware that there is another level, to life, and another side to moving forward. Say thank you often. Practice presentations on each other. Share heroes and spotlights.

Men Get a Promotional Partner

Get a promotional partner: someone with whom you seek the same target market but with whom you are not in direct competition.

Share precious resources with this person.
Pool advertising budgets.
Share advertising spots.

Swap mailing lists.

Share display space.
Sell the experience.
Insert promotional advertising items.
Bundle products and services.

Co-sponsor events.

Share public exposure.

Share literature in racks in waiting areas.

Each can be an ideal solution to maximizing advertising dollars.

Male Schedule Management 

In business, arrive “Just in time” for any appointment you intend to keep. You can get there ten minutes early, and then walk around the block.

Organize your thoughts beforehand. Send business information in advance of a meeting where practical. Be prepared to wait up to ten minutes after the time specified to be seen. Telephone whenever being late is unavoidable. Apologize for a missed appointment mischance. The apology must be accepted with as much calm as can be mustered. Suggest another appointment.

In social life, arrive "Just in time" for any event you plan to attend, whatever "On time" means, in your community. For an informal party at a private home, a business party, or for a large or small dance, arrive very close to the time specified (in descending order of importance).

Manage your daily schedule by using a portable organizer; it can be new-school, a smart telephone. It may be old school, a sleek leather system organizer full of crisp visiting and business cards with color dividers, or a spiral planner.

It could be a laptop or notebook PC for salaried workers, workers on flex time and independent business people.

A daily schedule might be managed by using a computer-generated calendar, a loose-leaf sheet calendar, or by sharing a multi-person calendar.

Things to do can be spoken in a pocket-size tape recorder or listed on a note pad and transcribed later.

Ask for one or more of these as a present and/or as a benefit to allow you to provide better service in your employment.

Male Considerate Actions

Carry items in your left hand. You can carry a woman's heavy package, coat, or suitcase as the occasion arises.  (Omit from carrying a woman's purse.) You may carry a bag strapped over your right shoulder. Avoid carrying a backpack over your lower back (and causing you to have to give it another name).

Offer to carry anything for a person who is old, sick, or who is carrying a child. Offer your seat to any senior person in your company.

Offer your arm, or take the elbow of a companion, but only if that person needs assistance in crossing an area, at a curb, or on stairs.

Carry money in a money clip for tipping, taxies, and for mad-type emergencies.

Carry a pencil and a pen with as much metal in each as possible. Carry a fountain pen when you can.  Even a non-expensive one can leave a good impression.

Carry a timepiece: a wrist watch for work, a pocket timepiece for formal and social occasions. A timepiece can be handed up from father to son.  It is about the totem, not the time.

Perform small services. Offer to open a window, and/or tell someone the time, when the desire for each is identified.

You might carry a cellular telephone. It is another kind of totem. It can be about the time. Each person may have a need to track it. It may be about an emergency: place an “ICE #” In Case of Emergency contact number in your contacts.  Use lockout codes in case you lose it. You may add to it a GPS in case you or it gets lost. It could list REWARD # to call to have your telephone returned to you.

A cellular telephone is to be used in private as much as possible. When engaged in a conversation, step outside out of earshot of others or step inside into an empty bathroom or stairwell to enjoy your call. Thank you.  Notification of an incoming call is to be by vibration. (I am going to go ahead and hold on to this dream.)

You can stay “miked.” Any wire is to be worn under your clothes, and ideally, any earpiece is to be worn in only one ear or stored behind the neck.

Male Words to Say in Passing

When passing someone, in business, first provide a greeting appropriate for the time of day. Say, “Good morning,” or “Good afternoon.” Know that “Good" is normally said only in business. "Good evening," is normally said only by staff to senior people. "Good night," is said only when dismissing oneself from someone else. Each phrase without the word “Good” can be said by peers. Use each, try.  With peers, you can say, "Hello," “Peace,” “Out,” and “Later.” The reply to a greeting is to be in kind. Formally, people of about the same social position can perform a greeting by saying, "How do you do?" The reply is to be "How do you do?"  Avoid messing up a perfectly good “How do you do,” with a “How are you?” Informally you can say, “How are you?”  The reply “How are you?” or “Very well thank you. And (how are) you?” It can be "Miserable, but thank you for asking; (and you?") People might want to see if you are listening or just need some company. More informally the reply to “What’s up?” has been seen to be “What’s up?” Sometimes a senior person will hear an informal greeting and remain silent. (This is just an observation.) (“How do you do?”) You may say, “What’s up?” The reply is to be the same.

Acknowledge a need or a mishap in passing by saying, “Excuse me,” or “I beg your pardon.”  (Avoid saying, “Pardon me.”) You can say, “I am sorry.”
Ask, “May I (we) get through please.” You can say, “After you,” “I yield,” “Please,” “I insist,” or informally, “Dance?” to let someone pass. Pass to the left. You can stay to the right.
Motion with your left hand, smile and allow the person to pass. After passing, or being allowed a request, say, "You're welcome," or "Thank you," as appropriate. Learn to say, “Nice to see you,” and/or “Looks nice.” A person who is reluctant to say anything in passing is to learn how to nod. When someone is being offensive, the best defense can sometimes be a smile, followed by a “Is there a problem here?" “You doing alright today: (street code for “What the hell?” or “You having a good day?” You can say “You O.K?” or “Can I help you.” When you want someone to go away, you may say, “Good day." If more of a hint is needed, it only needs to be repeated, (Sir. I say,) Good day.” Be prepared to defend yourself or to duck. The best defense may be a smile, followed by, "I see," "I understand," "How can I help you," or with an "And you have a nice day." You could add, "That’s not very well brought up behavior." You might say, “Hey man, can you help me with the language.  I said please.” When someone is being intrusive it has been seen said, “I am fine here, Sir,” or “I do not mean to keep you,” “May the peace of the Lord be with you.” When you hear a request for, “Spare change,” what you do is up to you. When refusing an offer for charity you are to say, “I am sorry.”  When refusing an offer of an item you can press your open hand to your heart, tilt your head slightly aside and say, “Thank you.” Verbal communication can begin with three of the four Ws or an H: When, Where, What, or How. Avoid asking why.

Male Business International Non-verbal Communication

Be careful of what you say non-verbally. Avoid signing the backward "V" for victory (“I still have my (bow) fingers,”) thumbs up or the sign for "O.K." Outside of the USA, each is considered vulgar and/or an insult in more than one culture. Signing a Cross might be favored and used in lieu of signing a single finger.

Words that a woman may say better not to be believed, “Please don’t get up,” “Please sit down,” It is OK, I can manage,” or “Go ahead, I’ll be alright.” You have a firm duty of care; until the world can see your attempted efforts have been rebuffed enough to maybe consider thinking about forgiving you.

Walking in Business

In business, a junior person is to walk to the street side, or one step to the left and behind any senior person.

A senior person can walk to the left of a junior person. When this happens, a junior male is to walk behind a senior person until he can get to the other side. An employed woman is to be regarded according to her job position. In social life, a woman is to be regarded as a senior person.

Step back to let others come out of any doorway, room, elevator, or area in which you wish to enter.

Hold a door open from the side for any person in front of or immediately behind you going out of or into a doorway. Push any swinging door; go through first. You can pull any swinging door, or step back from an automatic door, and let a person precede or follow according to his or her sex or seniority. (People will notice.) 

A senior person is to precede a junior person and a “Host” in going into or out of a doorway or office. Say, “Please,” to acknowledge the senior person. This person can say, “I insist.” You may say, “I yield,” “I am honored”  “Thank you,” or “Sir.” The junior person is to know when to give up the fight.

You can offer to enter and exit an elevator or any doorway last. This is a right of a host or hostess. It is the duty of any person in his or her own country. Peers can go through a doorway shoulder to shoulder.

In social life, a woman in a line is to precede any man with her, unless he can in some way help by going first. In official life, an official in a line is to precede the person with him or her. A designated escort may walk to the left and ahead of a visitor when escorting him or her into an unfamiliar area.

When walking alone, in the United States of America, walk to the right. Honor is to the right. When walking with a senior person, walk to the left and one-step behind, or to the street side. When a senior person stops to talk to someone, to use an ATM, or to write a check, the junior person is to step back or to walk ahead slowly. The senior person is to be allowed to decide if introductions are in order.

Walk erect: as if your back rib cage is against a wall, and your arms were almost pinned to your sides. Stop for red lights. You are walking and I can hear you.  And if I do, time to learn a new way of walking or to get new shoes. Advancing is to be done on the balls of the feet. (It can be controlled from each quadrant listed for midsection management.)

Pausing in Business - Working a Room

Learn to pause (often). Pausing is an action that will allow you to take control of a room or to give notice of your intent to leave one. It can allow you to make your presence known without disrupting or upstaging anyone. It may let you get a little extra from being where you are.

Pausing could be done at the top of stairs, in a hallway, doorway, or center of a room, by a mere stop. You might allow yourself to act as if you have entered the limelight. This is an especially useful thing to do, if you really do have a “bad” knee. A pause is to be enjoyed. Take a breath, or make a small noise so that someone can see you. Continue your walk in company.