Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Men Personal Grooming 36-47

Men Leaving the Bathroom
Before leaving the bathroom, cup any lit candle with the back of your hand and blow it out. Take a paper towel and wipe the mirror dry. You can wipe the rest down with 91% alcohol.  It will clean counters and make fixtures shine.  Take more; dry the floor. Put the used paper towel in the trashcan. Leave the bathroom ready to receive the next person, or for the next time.
 Place your personal items on a tray, bucket, or container. Take it out of the bathroom, or place it in a drawer.
 You can store your items in a drawer in your room, or in your gym bag. You may use a bathroom nightstand.
 Take your towel with you. Leave the door open. You can fold your towel in half, place it over a hanger, and take it to the designated place where it is to dry. Avoid placing wet anything in with your dirty laundry.
 Once dry you may place it in a hamper, or hang it on a rack in your room, or behind the closet door, to use for one more day.

Male Bathroom “WC” Conduct
 The trip can begin with the statement, “I’ll be right back, or with the question, “Where can I wash my hands?” This phrase only works in the USA. Outside of its where is the “WC.” wash closet: a room containing a toilet and often a wash bowl. Always sit down when using the toilet in a private home. Upon entering the bathroom, lock the door. Turn on the light. You can turn on the water if you are well bred or just shy.
 Remember the sign, "Gentleman, consider yourself at home now, and please, sit down. If you must stand, prove you are neat - straddle the bowl, in your bare feet. Be at ease. Sit down."  Scoot forward. Point yourself to the side toilet wall. (It is the silent way to go.)
 When you elect to stand, place tissue between the seat and the rim and lift up the seat. Flush as you go, or (again,) point the head of the hose to the side toilet wall. Do this out of courtesy; no one wants to hear you piss. When you are done, get new tissue or a pad, blot yourself. Blotting residue is easier than wearing and smelling like it, I assure you. Remember to flush, and to put the seat down from the top, when you are finished.  If you dirty the seat or the floor (and you will), search for paper toweling or tissue, and the Windex or Lysol spray hidden behind the toilet and clean it. Next time remember the sign.

When you are seated longer, remember the rules for a dry wipe: get paper, use only two to three sheets, then legs apart, bend forward as far as you can, and then hold and feel where you think you want to wipe. Clean back to the front, then front to back, with one finger, fold and repeat until there is no track. Then the way to check is to scrape side to side until you are dry.  
You can wet wipe: get the tip of folded paper wet with water from the sink; or flush and dip the tip into clean flowing water, and wipe yourself. Some find that there is no such thing as a dry wipe. You would not do it to a baby.  You might then elect to get a dry paper and blot yourself, until you are clean, and scrape until you are dry. Anything you leave you will get to wear.
 Repeat the blotting process until you are clean like there was going to be an inspection. You are done, when you are clean, then you can scrape until you are dry. This never was about just wiping. Better to find out now than later. This can be done with 1 paper towel.
After difficult times, get new paper and sanitize the seat with the and 91% alcohol from the bottle you keep behind the toilet or in a drawer. Wipe under the toilet seat, and in the toilet wipe away any residue. Flush or trash this paper. Thank you.

Strive to eliminate any odor not considered desirable in a bathroom environment. You can hold a blown out sulfur match until the smoke dissipates, and then flush it. Only first, you have to find out who still makes a sulfur match. You may search for and use Lysol® air freshener. Spray under the seat. Spray the water in short bursts. Then flush. Step back and wait thirty seconds (It works.) As a last resort, you could spray cologne.

Wash your hands. Turn on the faucet at least once while in the bathroom. Wet the soap, if only to make someone believe that before leaving the bathroom you really did use it. It may be easier to wash your hands really. Use cold water and soap. Wet your hands. Wash each by agitating one against the other. Rinse them. You may wash your hands with hydrogen peroxide alone or with a hand sanitizer, anytime you wish. Clean under each fingernail from the tip to each under the skin. Use a fingernail, on one hand, to clean behind the fingernails on the other hand. At home, this action may be done using a fingernail brush. This could be done with a toothpick, or with tweezers. Inspect your nails and repeat the process or relax and enjoy them.

Hands are to be washed each time after you finish in the bathroom. This action will help someone decide if you are to help with the dishes or to eat off paper plates. You can use a tissue or a paper towel to turn off the water. You may use the same paper to open the bathroom door.

Leave the bathroom ready to receive the next person. Before leaving the bathroom, you could take another tissue and wipe the mirror, sink and the faucet. You might use tissues and 91% alcohol to do this. Both can leave each item shining. Wipe the floor as required. Get new paper and wipe the top of the toilet seat, and the space just behind it, and place any trash in a receptacle.  Bless you.  The statement to use for someone who is making the trip may be, “Let me see (if so & so is in,) Then say, “So and so is not available just now,” or that, “He or she) has just stepped out.”
Note: The guide is a breach of etiquette:  The rule: “What is done behind the door of a bathroom is private.”  And, yes it is true, until another person is listening, enters the room, or smells you.

Not an expert in this, just providing some stuff, you can engine search, and do if you wish.

Male Changes and Check-Ups
 Make changes to your physical appearance, when any abnormality or disfiguring flaw makes you miserable, or make it your trademark and do nothing about it. Report all herbs, medicines, and supplements you are taking to your pharmacist.  Have them logged into a computer. Update this list. With each new prescription ask, “Can I take grapefruit juice with this?”

Get an itch on your body, rub a cut tomato on it, and let it sit. Yeah, it works, no...Shhh…. Olive oil and salt can do the same thing. Get an itch in your groin area (a sign that you are maybe a jock), get a medicine. Get an itch in your feet (a sign you are an athlete,) get a medicine. Both jock itch and Athlete's feet are treatable and are something you can talk about freely with friends, family, your doctor, and pharmacist. Other subjects you may discuss can concern flatulence, tail itch, hemorrhoids, and testicular lumps. (You are not alone.)
If it drips, trickles, burns, sprouts, or smells, if emissions are anything but white or clear, get to a health care center, or to your doctor; get each item checked.  Know this; there is a cure for that.  “And there is a reason not to go barefoot in a barnyard.” If it sniffles, I put Vicks vapor rub on it: in my nose and on my chest as my mother did, as she said, “You are going to school tomorrow.” Father said, “Eat some; it will not kill you.” And I did until I read the directions.

Come here. Your skin is an organ. Once a year, have it professionally checked. Learn how to check for testicular cancer and breast cancer; men are dying but to know. You can ask for and maintain a copy of each of your dental and medical records. 
Once a year get a complete medical checkup. You can get some medical tests: never fear, it is a A1C (Glycohemoglobin) test, BMP (Basic Metabolic panel), CBC: (Complete Blood Count), CMP: Comprehensive metabolic panel), A fasting blood lipids test: (Lipids Blood Test), GRE:  (Gluten resistenceRE), (Gluten Sensitivity Intolerance Test), IGF1: (Insulin-like Growth Factor – 1 Test ), Phthalates test, TSH: (thyroid-stimulating hormoneVitamin D, Omega Index 3 and a Urine test, that will help you tell how well your body uses what you provide as fuel (with the things missing and added no real thanks to you). If you are vegan or vegetarian, check to see your levels of B12. Food is fuel; see how it is helping to run your body. If you are a carnivore, check for fiber and  A, C, E, D, and K; folate, calcium, and manganese, also do this if your diet is mainly (Fast food, Pizza, or Ramen).  Eggs can make up for the missing vitamins A, E, D, and folate. Still, you need C, (citrus) to avoid the serious risk of scurvy.
Have a checklist of questions to ask your doctor.  It is your job to keep your body up to date, and to decide what you will and will not take.  It can be your job to spearhead the quest for the discovery of a cure. 

Medicine knows that the money is in the maintenance and in secondary sales. You can French press coffee and never as much as look for a paper filter.  Pick the things on which you will allow yourself to be dependent. Single source the list of all your pharmaceuticals.

Midsection Muscle Management
Manage the muscles in your mid-section. If you keep announcing that you are going to the gym.  And you get naked and do not look like you have been.  Someone may ask that you stop carrying that bag. 

We are judged by our midsection.  Midsection muscle management can be as simple as twisting side to side, up and down or left and right, like the leaves on a tree. You can be Fit by the Force of Wind®. You can burn fat; it is up to you if you want to lose weight also. You may move (exercise) for five hundred repetitions for maintenance or forty minutes (or twice that,) a day. In this, like in that, biosphere, your major job is to stand tall, react to the force or wind, be reasonably healthy, and to look good naked, or to try. You could do this and never break a sweat. You may walk back and forth on a treadmill, for thirty minutes, at a low speed, and pull in your midsection, front and back, and enjoy the yawn.  I will run when a tree does. I will see you when you get back from burning fat.

You may lift light weights, five, ten, or fifteen pounds per hand, and look up or down as you are pulling in. You can sit down at a machine and go side to side or front to back learn the power of the wind starting at zero.  You could lift more if you want.  Go be young.

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