Get Etiquette Outclass the Competition
Harold Almon Etiquette Coach
Be at Ease School of Etiquette Austin
Be at Ease School of Etiquette Austin

Milk 1 % (low fat) *D
Milk 2% -Str
Condensed Milk, Canned Sweetened Evaporated Milk
Non Fat Milk -Str or a
Milk analogue
Almond Milk
Coconut Milk (canned unsweetened)
Goat Milk or
Soy (Juice) Milk or Soy Milk – US –Str. (*NR unless you really have a deficiency in Estrogen.)
Note: Soy is a legume, not milk; you just look for it in the dairy case. Get and keep back up milk in a can or a box.Whipped cream in that can can be allowed to stand, so it can be splashed atop coffee, or used as a base for caramel.
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