Saturday, July 1, 2017

Eti Q Test 15-21

Get Etiquette Outclass the Competition
Harold Almon Etiquette Coach
Be at Ease School of Etiquette Austin
15.     When seated at a table, know when is a napkin to be picked up and placed in your lap.
16. Notes to Self (Sit up straight. ________________)   (Avoid duck and chuck.)
17.     Rules for Bread and Butter      Avoid bread until you receive________________________; remember bread is not a first course   Avoid leaving ___________  in bread that you are eating.
18.      Using Glasses at Table  Know how many glasses can be at table ___________ and how many refills of water can you get__________.
Station 5.  The Line to the Food
19.     Filling a plate take small amounts of food. (Practice eating in courses ______________.) Look for food to be served from the __________ (leaving) side.  Avoid taking too little, or too much, or more in visual calories than those dining around you. Try a little of everything unless restricted by religion, health, or culture. \
 20.     Take a _________ often.  You can rest your elbows on the table - in between courses. (Continental style, you can talk with a knife and fork in your hands. Keep them low.) Place your implements in __________________ for the style in which you are eating, anytime you want.
21.     Eat each meal in an accepted style________________________________.

 Cut items, one or two pieces at a time.  (Yes, you may eat only one thing at a time.)  Sit up straight. Take small amounts of food.  Close your mouth around the edge of any fork placed in it. Chew each portion with your mouth closed, and saver each bite. Taste buds live and digestion begins there, and not the stomach – yes that’s right.  Avoid chewing with ___________________. "It is disturbing and annoying.”  Avoid eating too little, too much, or too fast, or acting as if the meal is to be your last. Make as little noise as possible. Keep your hands on the table. Pace yourself. Eat each course in such a manner as to finish it along with _______________________.  When at a loss as to how to eat a particular dish, you can ask." The lesson most likely will begin ___________. In public, leave a little something of each course on your plate.

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