Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Tie a Half-Windsor Tie and Knot Better Men's Business Dressing Etiquette Men's Business Dress

Outclass the Competition
Harold Almon Etiquette Coach
Be at Ease School of Etiquette Austin
A Half-Windsor knot is more suited for a shirt with a buttoned down collar. Tying it: Short form:
1. Place the tie around your neck (Wrap the tie around itself; go up through and down to its back.
2. Next around to back, up through to front, in hole, and down.)
Long form:
1. Start with the large end of the tie on the right side. Wrap it around the back of the smaller end and to the front.
2. Hold it at the wrap around point (high up near your neck.)
3. Flip the larger end up over the wrapped point and pull it to the back.
4. Switch hands. Pull the larger end tight.
5. Now wrap it around the front to the back of the smaller end.
6. Flip it up and through to the front.
7. Put the tip through the noose at the front top opening. Pull the larger end through the knot, while holding the knot at the bottom.
8. Place a dimple in the center of the tie or remove it by finessing it with your fingers. (Grab the sides of it at the top and turn both either in or out.)
9. Check the bottom of your tie. The split bottom angles are to meet at the side.
There are other knots and notes to know; when you have mastered each, plan on having a Tie Tying Party.

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