Men are to look at their teeth through a mirror from six inches away. This is a test. Clench your teeth together and smile. What you see is what other people get to look at all the time.
Maintain your teeth. Teeth are to be clean, natural, and non-ornamented (except for braces.) Teeth can be whitened by baked bonding, (baking soda,) bleaching, bonding, laser, or by toothpaste. Avoid over whitening. The phrase you want someone to say is, "I would not have known it, if you had not told me."
You may get braces for crooked and/or for bucked teeth. You could get a retainer to bring your teeth that gap back together. When you want to become known by and for your irregular teeth, let them be. Make this a conscious decision. For the most part, get caps for teeth that are broken, and false teeth to replace teeth that are missing. Avoid placing gold in your mouth that you can see, unless you really are an independent contractor. It can be too much night style for day promotions.
At least once a year have your teeth professionally cleaned and get a fluoride treatment. Mouth care is the process that lets you show off your pearly (near) whites. The goal is to have clean teeth that gleam. (Just before taking any picture, you can rub your teeth lightly with petroleum jelly.) Now work your smile.
Brushing Your Teeth
Brush your teeth. It is to be done at least twice a day, for two minutes each time. One of these times is to be before you go to bed. Then remember the deal, brush after each meal. At minimum, never miss an opportunity to brush your teeth prior to going outside, look at them in a mirror and check; you can meet your next most important contact, just outside your front door.
You can brush your teeth with your finger and water, the parts that are clean will squeak. You may run your tongue over your teeth, front and back, the parts that do not feel squeaky clean, that is what you get a toothbrush to brush. Take your toothbrush and apply to it toothpaste (the size of a pea,) baking soda, hydrogen peroxide or apply salt. Let it sit for a minute in your mouth. Then brush your upper teeth downward, and your lower teeth upward. Brush back and forth over the top of each molar. Brush the front, back, and sides of each of your teeth, and behind each of the last molars. (You can use a circular motion, or circulating toothbrush.) Brush your tongue, and/or the roof of your mouth. You can buy a plastic device for this purpose.
Rinse your mouth out with water. You can put water on your toothbrush and brush your teeth while you are rinsing your mouth. This is win-win: longer time brushing cleaner toothbrush in the end. You may use mouthwash without alcohol in it. Rinse your toothbrush. Gently whack it against the inside of the sink. Place it in the holder, tray, or drawer intended to store it.
Floss your teeth? - “Only the ones you want to keep.” It can be done prior to brushing them. It may be done at minimum once a day. Use a sixteen to eighteen inch length of floss to accomplish this action. Wrap an end of the floss around each of your index fingers and leave about a three-inch length of floss between each finger. Hold the floss with the thumbs, pull it taunt and work it up, down, and around, gently between each tooth. You may use a commercial floss holder to hold your floss while you are doing your teeth. Then just rinse out your mouth and go, or you may elect to re-brush.
Clean your toothbrush and that cup. Each week pour hydrogen peroxide into the cap of the bottle in which it came. Pour a little from the cap onto the bristles of your brush. (Listen to the fizzle.) Then brush your teeth, or rub the bristles firmly. The residue toothpaste will come free. Repeat the process. Rinse your toothbrush. Place it on your tray. Replace your toothbrush. Do this every two months. O.K., now pour some peroxide into that cup. Listen, and then clean it.
Check your mouth for halitosis; do this often. Blow your breath against the palm of your hand, and smell it. Remember, bad breath is better than no breath at all, but it is so - just barely. Avoid yuck mouth. Correct any condition which causes you to have bad breath. It is second in turn-offs only to bad body odor.
Combat bad breath by taking a breath mint. You can do this by gargling with a cup of warm water and salt for about thirty seconds. Gargling may be done with hydrogen peroxide. You could scent your breath with cinnamon or with a cinnamon flavored gum. Gum is to be removed as soon as bad breath is mitigated. Bad breath might be combated by seeing a doctor for treatment for any gum disease, gastro-esophageal, or intestinal problem.
Get your teeth checked by a Dentist at least once a year. You can die from bad teeth. Because of them, you may be denied access, acceptance, and advancement. Make the reverse happen.
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