Men moisturize your skin, after a shower or a bath. When moisturizing your face take care to do your eye wells, your lips, and do behind your ears. Let it dry in. This is why some people have few wrinkles, and soft skin. Moisturizer is wax for the skin. Use a lotion with cocoa butter or shea butter over one with aloe. You can use a baby lotion, (remember.) You may use a lotion for your skin, and oil for your feet. When caught short you could use a petroleum jelly over having clean, dry, and exposed skin.
A moisturizer is to be applied to your body from the head down. It can reduce body odor when dark skin and hair is exposed to heat. If you do not do this, when it gets hot, your body will oil itself (and it will not smell half as good.) Do it and you will have softer skin, fewer wrinkles, and smell better. You might then use a sunless tanning cream that contains a SPF 15 or more sun block, when you are to have an extended stay outside. Avoid placing it in the wells of your eyes.
My mother use to say, “Come here baby. Let momma put something on ya.” And I got moisturized, face, eye wells, and behind the ears. Then she’d say, “Pouch out baby, pouch out.” And with the same lotion she moisturized my lips until the texture changed to soft. Lo these many years I have smooth skin, soft lips, and few wrinkles, and can beat most young at the squint test. All skin cracks; what saves skin is not the genes it’s the Jergens. ® You can man up and use the kind that is unscented. Still believe its genes? Give the Jergens ® back.
Note: when you are going to exercise, wash the Jergens ® from the wells of your eyes. Avoid pushing through it. Change lotion every month. Something from the outside (or dirty hands) can contaminate the eye. You can wash the bottle and your skin with distilled vinegar or 91%alcohol. You may see a doctor if irritation persists. (This happened one time in over many years of doing this. In the event of an onset of acne, you can still preserve your eye wells, ears, and lips. Ask a professional about another moisturizer that can protect your face. You can try 91% alcohol on shiny or oily skin in the interim. Not sure if it will stop the shine.
Oh yes, the test. Look into a mirror. Squint one eye; see the wrinkles, at the sides of your eyes, and the skin; the fewer wrinkles the more you win. You only get one (skin.) You would not wash your car, dry it, and set it unprotected in the sun. Moisturizer takes the place of wax on the face. It may go a long way in keeping you looking like new. This is harder to do after wrinkles set in or after oxidation.
Check your wrinkles against those of a young friend. The old ones do not even tell about the test, and do not challenge them.
Oh yes, the test. Look into a mirror. Squint one eye; see the wrinkles, at the sides of your eyes, and the skin; the fewer wrinkles the more you win. You only get one (skin.) You would not wash your car, dry it, and set it unprotected in the sun. Moisturizer takes the place of wax on the face. It may go a long way in keeping you looking like new. This is harder to do after wrinkles set in or after oxidation.
Check your wrinkles against those of a young friend. The old ones do not even tell about the test, and do not challenge them.
Skin is to be cared for. Apply a water-based moisturizer to your skin to seal and protect your face after it has been exposed to a sharp blade. Use a moisturizer which has no scent, or which contains a scent which is compatible with your after shave. You may apply an after shave at this time. Allow it to dry, and then apply a water-based moisturizer to your face.
Do your whole face. It is your first defense against wrinkles. It can protect and make skin less prone to irritation: Pseudo folliculitus barbae: an inflammation of hair follicles. Feel your facial skin. Say, " Mmmm."
Do your whole face. It is your first defense against wrinkles. It can protect and make skin less prone to irritation: Pseudo folliculitus barbae: an inflammation of hair follicles. Feel your facial skin. Say, " Mmmm."
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