Outclass the Competitionschoolofetiquette@ateasepress.com

With advancement will come a requirement for attendance and obligation to dance. When dining at a dance, expect to dance. Know the rules. Your first duty is to dance the first dance with the person you took to the dance. In addition, you are to ask your hostess, her daughters, and any woman guest of honor to dance: (At a wedding you are to dance with the hostess: the mother of the bride, at least ask, her daughters, and the guest of honor: the bride.)
You can just take a few steps with each, before a cut in, but these people you are at least to ask to dance. At a public gathering, or at a dance, where you had to pay to attend, you can omit dancing with anyone outside of your own party.
Ask the women at your table to your left and right to dance. You may dance with all the women who are assigned to your table. And you could dance with anyone in your own party.
When asking a woman to dance, smile. Do an inquiring gesture and say, "May I have this dance?" or "Dance?" You may do a small bow when asking for a dance. Allow a woman, who has agreed to dance with you, to precede you on and off the dance floor. Walk to her left. You can walk in front of her across the dance floor. You may take just a few steps with her, before or after a cut in.
You could cut in on a woman's partner by a mere touch on his shoulder and saying, "Cut, please," or "May I?" A request to cut may not correctly be refused. You are to avoid cutting back until another man cuts in, or the music stops and starts again.
You can exchange partners with another man at any time by all parties' mutual consent. Avoid doing a cut in while in another country.
As a man, you, or the woman with you, may suggest leaving the floor in the middle of a dance by saying, "This floor is too crowded," "This song is too slow," or “too fast," or by asking, "Would you like a drink?" Failing all else, you may leave the dance floor after making a discreet signal to another man to cut in.
When the music stops, or when you stop dancing, take the woman dancing with you to her new partner, to her table, or back to her group of friends. Do this directly or by implication. Remember to dance the last dance with the woman you took to the dance, unless given approval to do otherwise.
Know, or learn, how to dance. Move one foot to the left or right counting "One." Move the opposite foot to join the first one counting, "Two." Move the number two-foot in the opposite direction, "One, Two." Continue this process.
Later as your feet come together, snap your fingers (Move, snap.) Put on some music. Time your movements so that on the snap your feet come together on the downbeat of the music. When you can do this, all else about dancing someone will gladly teach you. Take a class.
Ultimately - you are to learn to dance. You may have to practice extremely hard for long periods, but be a willing soul, and learn to dance.
Dance in the custom of your planned company. (Avoid seeming to be having a better time than everyone else, or endangering others while dancing.) Know that the question will be asked, “Can the man dance?" The reply is to be a resounding, "Yes." The key to success: play the game, eat the meal, and dance the dance – in an acceptable style.
Link “Manners to Etiquette” – Outclass the Competition.