Outclass the Competition
by Harold Almon baesoe.com
Be at Ease School of Etiquette Austin
Learn to read a nutrition label. Multiply the number of servings by the number of servings per container by number of calories per serving. Note the serving size. First question; is the contents of that serving, bag, box, or can worth the total number of calories on me?
Note the Total Carbohydrates listed and then underneath what is listed: Dietary Fiber__ and a number, and Sugars__and a number. Note what is not listed, the rest of the carbohydrates that someone hopes you would forget about, the complex ones. Some call them starch. You know them best as soon to be fat, unless you are willing to burn that.
Know which vitamins and which minerals you expect to get in each food. If a food does not meet your nutritional needs, it may not be that frugal. No sense in being frugal, if you are only going to get calories which are empty.
Eat with the sun: cool in the morning, hot at mid day, bright in the afternoon, dark after sunset, and no white at night.
Maintaining Fitness
Even if you eat even frugal foods, you must exercise your mid-section. You have in common with all cars an engine and a tank. Each must have fuel and fine tuning. Fail to use the right mixture of fuel or to exercise for fine turning, and the Food You Do Not Burn Will Turn to Fat. Exercise to burn fat.
Learn Mid Section Muscle Management
Be Fit by the Force of Wind.® Trees do not walk or run. Each twists from side to side and moves around from left and right. Even when not thin each looks good and strong standing in the wind. Fat has to heat up to burn. A yawn, can be proof of a pending burn. Sweating and Burning are not the same. Strive to Look Good Naked.
Midsection muscle management can be done by decreasing your caloric intake within cultural, social, and economic confines. This may be more important than a change in diet that is brought on too soon, and that might cause or be a contributor of adult-onset diabetes. The body learns to digests what it gets. It will take time to learn how to digest what it needs. The rule for food is it must be universally available, and must come from cultural, social, and economic food groups.
Midsection Muscle Management and food must require some behavior modification, you must exercise some – even to be fit by the force of wind, you have got to bend, but then you get to eat, but what you decide for exercise, and to eat, you must be able to repeat for the rest of your life.
You may or may not want to lose weight. Learn to burn fuel and fat. You can make your current weight look great.
Not to try to convert anyone, two things I do not do. I do not cook, and I do not sweat, intentionally. I do remain in the competition. Image and presentation remain a constant 30% of an evaluation.
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