
Banquets: both school and student sponsored banquets are budget friendly.
Buffets: you can eat at a school Buffet Cafeteria style (Public) Student Dining Facility, everyday.
Eat at a public buffet no more than twice a week.
Demonstrations: on Foodie Days. Demonstrations mean samples. And you may even learn something.
Events: check out Know Events. Check events calendars each day. Events means receptions or at the least light refreshments. Some functions provide a free lunch. Buy leftovers at eating events when you can; let someone know that you live with a dorm of men, and you will take food back to them.
Festivals: mean foods, at on campus festivals, most foods are provided at a discounted price.
Lectures; after hours, they usually include pizza.
Meetings: Join Student Organization by the days of the week that you want to eat: Free cocktail food is usually served at every meeting. Eating it to be not the reason for the meeting. But most serve food to get you to attend.
Most organizations will let you attend meetings and eat, while you are saving money for membership. And you get most if not all of your money back in benefits.
You can attend
Memorials: they usually mean free sandwiches’ and a drink. You can also get face time with people who did not know that you “knew” the deceased.
Openings: the more grand the opening, the more food at the reception.
Telecast: they need an audience. You need to learn how to attend a reception.
Eat at
Fast food restaurants with coupons. Get only what is good and that you like.
Fast food restaurants on each day of a special: two for Tuesday can equal four pieces of cooked chicken for two dollars (plus tax.)
Food drop points: locate the sites for food (drop offs) for ministries like Loaves and Fishes. You may not be homeless, but you can be hungry.
Restaurant: use coupons. Tip at the full meal price.
Have half the meat or meal packed “To go,” before it is served to you. Split a meal with a friend, especially during early bird specials.
Salad Bars: where food is weighed, Learn which food items you like that are almost weightless. Monitor the toppings: Cost out the Liquids and toppings. Buy/Bring your own.
Soup kitchens in your area: locate them. The poor will always be with us. No sense them being the only ones not hungry. You can Volunteer at Soup Kitchens and usually eat after.
Sponsored Student Food Supper Clubs. Churches feed the poor and students, go as both and ensure that the food really is pleasing.
Student Organization Supper Clubs. Potlucks and Buffets are frugal ways to stave off hunger.
Go to
Cooking schools
Volunteer to help make pies. Get an Education, leftovers, skills.
Volunteer at kitchens: help a chef during a class or demonstration. Get an education, and a full stomach.
Farmers Markets: get farm direct discounted products.
Pantries: most non-full time students could qualify for admittance and membership. At some pantries, you can volunteer, and get first dibs on what comes in, or last look at what is going to be tossed out.
Foods can be frugally obtained and stylishly served and eaten. Each item may be tasty and healthy as well as inexpensive. Get your My Palate® shopping list? Shop in Food Groups. Make sure that what you like is universally available.
Cost out products: know the cost per ounce. Save pictures with Prices. Save lists and receipts.
Look for in-store discounts. Cost compare stores to see who offers the lowest base price, even before coupons and cards.
Where practical, avoid purchasing drink, atmosphere or food when you are hungry or with money alone. Eat before you go shopping.
Buy Kits When You Can (Soup, Cole Slaw.) Think of other things you can make with each. Collect Frugal Foods and Recipes. Share these.
Use shopping cards: use your friend’s cards, Ask if it is OK. You can keep the discounts. Let them earn the gas credits. You have their telephone numbers.
Get coupons: go to where mail recycling bins are on coupon delivery days. Search for the coupons you like. Share what you find with friends.
Get coupons on line: see if the place you were going to shop at anyway has coupons you can download and take with you.
Shop on a Wednesday, or the day after the weekly coupons come out. See what is on your list, what you missed, and what is not to be missed that can now be had for less.
Now armed with coupons from home take shopping for less to a whole new level. Scout for new coupons and discounts at each store.
Use Store Coupons only for things you need. Learn about double and triple couponing.
Scout for out of date items. These are just sell-by dates. These out of date items can be had for little or nothing.
Look for just expired products; these are usually provided free.
Get organic apples and potatoes. Ok some things are not totally frugal, looking with your eyes, but looking with your wallet you gets really close. Get the bigger and better deals (BBD.) Enjoy your views.
Eliminate products you would not cook.
Eliminate products by ingredients:
Aspartame, Arsenic
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Order in Home – Buy Ready Made for home. Have more meals at home with a proper table setting.
Sponsors Dinners, buffets, and pot lucks and wait for reciprocity Co-Host Events.
Say thank often to those who feed you.
Save bottles and containers with screw tops and snap closed lids; have more things to save things in.
Maintaining Food Frugalness Provisioning
Provide services for little or no money.
Let people cook for you.
Start a business and be a host, spend more than the deductable amount, talk shop, get the receipt(s,) and take the deductions.
Teach something. I teach Etiquette. Business Dining is a division of it. I teach about frugal foods. No sense teaching what my students cannot afford to eat. I also teach Leadership and Management.
Promote Behavior Modification:
Eat for Your Pocket Book
Eat in Courses
Eat in Your Culture
Eat only the things you can for the rest of your life.
Eat in style; get more than you paid for.
Put some street in what you eat.
Save eating the really bad things for holidays
Say thank you often.
Food can be bought or obtained and served and eaten with style on a dime. So tell me, why are you hungry?
Engine Search each subject title in Frugal Foods and Stylish Recipes. See what else you find.
Eat It is Not Food that Makes You Fat
Food is fuel. It is not burning unused fuel, and not exercising to be fit, that makes you fat. Freshman fifteen can easily turn into freshman forty. Fuel is required in a mixture: Fat, Carbohydrates, Protein, Fiber, Minerals, Vitamins, and Water, and some Sugar. Learn to read a nutrition label. Multiply the number of servings by the number of servings per container by number of calories per serving. Note the serving size. First question for you; is the contents of that serving, bag, box, or can worth the total number of calories on you? Note the Total Carbohydrates listed and then underneath what is listed: as Dietary Fiber__ and a number, and Sugars__and a number. Note what is not listed, the rest of the carbohydrates that someone hopes you would forget about, the complex ones. Some call them starch. You know them best as soon to be fat, unless you are willing to burn that. Know which vitamins and which minerals you expect to get in each food. If a food does not meet your nutritional needs, it may not be that frugal. No sense in being frugal, if you are only going to get are calories which are empty. The rules for food are it must be universally available. It must come from cultural, social, and economic food groups. It must require some behavior modification. You must be able to repeat the activity for the rest of your life. Eat with the sun: cool in the morning, hot at mid day, bright in the afternoon, dark after sunset, and no white at night.
Maintaining Fitness Learn Mid Section Muscle Management
Even if you eat even frugal foods, you must exercise your mid-section. You have in common with all cars an engine and a tank. Each engine must have fuel and exercise for fine tuning. Each tank is at its best when it is near full and run often.
Fail to use the right mixture of fuel or to exercise to burn it for fine turning, and the Food You Do Not Burn Will Turn to Fat, and it can clog you up, and weigh you down. Exercise your midsection. A fit stomach can require less food. Exercise like a tree: rock, twist, and bend slowly to burn and to compact fat. Look fit and strong standing in the wind. Without sweating you can make your current weight look great.
Midsection muscle management can be done by decreasing your caloric intake within cultural, social, and economic confines. This may be more important than a change in diet that is brought on too soon, and that might cause or be a contributor of adult-onset diabetes. The body learns to digests what it gets. It will take time to learn how to digest what it needs.
In behavior modification you must exercise some. What you decide to do for exercise, you must be able to do for the rest of your life.
You can exercise like a tree: rock, twist, and bend to look Fit by the Force of Wind®. Yawn to burn fat, and then you get to eat.
Fat has to heat up to burn. A yawn can be proof of a pending burn. Sweating and Burning are not the same.
Not to try to convert anyone, two things I do not do. I do not cook; this is a book about frugal foods and stylish recipes. And I do not sweat, intentionally. I do look Fit by the Force of Wind ®. I do allow myself to yawn, especially while exercising in the morning. I do remain in the competition. I remain in the hunt. You can also.
Strive to Look Good Naked. You may or may not want to lose weight. Learn to burn fuel and fat. You can make your current weight look great. Image and presentation remain a constant 30% of an evaluation. Ok, Buy foods frugally, save money, serve it stylishly, eat well, exercise often, and ride the food wave. Go be young.
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