Monday, December 9, 2013

Fast Food Meat Combos Are Not a Snack Cooking 101 Strategies Nutrition Etiquette and Frugal Stylish Recipes Professional & University Dining Etiquette

Outclass the Competition
by Harold Almon
Be at Ease School of Etiquette Austin
You can eat fast food combos when you get value back. Subs are to come with customer service. Having said that, I will eat them like the spokesperson does, when someone pays me. Still I give away the coupons. Each combo is an incomplete part of a meal plan. Some combos can include fish. How odd fast food chains have introduced Cod. Fish is to be paired with a stem tuber: boiled, fried, or mashed. You can always forgo the potato, unless you eat it with mustard, curry sauce, or sprinkle it with vinegar. Bring or Buy Your Own Condiments (BBYOC.)

Have the Chili first; better to eat fish with chili, or chili fries (cheese on the side) and crackers, soup, a torte, quiche, or to get a boiled egg than to load potatoes with high fructose corn syrup ketchup or a baked potato with dairy.

What makes Fast Food frugal? This, it can be purchased
with coupons, and when you can get a clear “value drink” or tea the refills are generally free. The same can be usually also true, when the drink is black coffee.

Frugal tip: 1) Eat open face sandwiches. Sure you can and do. You just called them pizza. Get to see what you eat, and get full faster. The other grain you can leave on your plate or when eating alone it can be taken with you.

Frugal tip: 2) Soy mock meat is under review, better to eat it I am told, if you started at two years old. Starting after puberty, what it does to you is still a mystery.

Protein can take up to 10 percent of your 2000 calorie intake.

Nutrition Facts
Calories 2000 times .10 percent 200 calories from protein divided by 4 kcals p g. Total Protein 50g. Animal protein (meat) need only be a portion of that.

Calories 120 times. 10 percent 12 calories from protein
Divided by 4 Kcals p g Total protein 3g

3g times 4 Kcals p g 12 calories from protein divided .10 percent 120 calories

• Portion a deck of cards
• Meat Servings 1 Serving size 3 ounces*

1 ounce meat = 7 grams of protein
3 ounces meat = 21 grams of protein- recommended*
16 ounces of meat = 116 grams of protein

Super sized carbs and meat goes to fat, thighs, bellies, and cheeks. Eat it if you must on your birthday. Know the cost in
• Calories

Frugal tip:

1) Eat meat one day a week.
2) Eat meat say every other day.
3) Give up meat one day a week.
Make your choice your treat.

For food categorization eggs are listed with dairy. I call eggs petite meat. You can have two every other day. If worried about cholesterol, maybe have one. Petite meat could help get and keep you skinny.

Recommended portions of meat might help you combat fat.

You can order a Now and Later Combo. Get a Double Meat Combo to go, split it in half; eat half now and the other half later. Use a coupon; get a Free meat item with the purchase of another; that is the ultimate in obtaining fast food animal protein. You still need low Glycemic sides. And enjoy that pickle. In the other extreme so say eating meat alone can make you lean.  Imagine that meat as a way to lose meat. In that zone, ask you doctor if you should watch for keytones. 

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