Monday, December 9, 2013

Educate Your Palate Cooking 101 Strategies Nutrition Etiquette and Frugal Stylish Recipes Professional & University Dining Etiquette

Outclass the Competition
by Harold Almon
Be at Ease School of Etiquette Austin
Frugal Foods and Stylish Recipes will allow you to educate your palate, and cultivate new choices so you can eat on a higher tier. It can help make you a Nutritioneer, able to look at a food and say, “You are on my list; I can eat you raw),” or let you order or eat in US menu order of courses instead of eating in piles.

Food is to be universally available, come from established food groups, promote behavior modification, and be something you can eat for the rest of your life. As a foodie you can buy and eat food for availability; the season, culture: taste, affordability: your pocket and nutritional value: fuel requirements, and still retain style. To that end there are healthy sides and snacks.

Beware, condiments, oils and sauces can contain hidden Fat. When what is in a condiment is unhealthy or unknown it is best to buy and bring and add your own (B/B/A YOC).

Food is fuel. How are you running? What is in your mixture is up to you. When you meal plan you’re my plate you can see what is gone missing. There is a high octane formula.

When a grain is used as a grain it requires a legume, and you can omit an animal protein. You can add or need a vegetable, a green.

When using a protein add a starch and a green. You can use a protein and add two vegetables: two greens or one orange and one green.

When a plan is to use a starch as starch or a grain it requires a protein and a green.

When a plan does not contain a green, you may add a fruit to let you remember what you owe, or something fermented in portion to the ratio. Historically this is what was done.

New School

Fuel is to be mixed strategically to burn efficiently; it can consist in a ratio of high Glycemic , 25%, a starch, (or a Grain and a legume,) and low Glycemic of 50% vegetables, (or vinegar based or marinated foods) are to be part of your meal plan, and a medium Glycemic 25 % animal protein: when selecting a grain and legume, you can omit animal protein and replace it with or round out the outside of your my plate with other things you may like on your My Palate list. I call these additions to make to make yourself happy, and as a reason to spend time at the gym.

You can Meal Plan My Plan and just look at it or you can count calories. Later you will learn you do not have to count that you are going to burn away. Can stay full or fill up on fuel that does not stay.

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