Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A Plan for Extending Hospitality Dining EtiquetteSocial and Business Hospitality

Over the Counter Etiquette
By Harold Almon
Have a plan for extending hospitality, just in case you get to be moderately successful. Have a way of, Giving Back," to go along with that reason for “Saying Thank You.” Each is to be done publicly, and with as much discreet fanfare as possible. Make known your hospitality plan.

Make a book. Get a loose-leaf view binder and some top loading document protectors. Place a copy of each document that supports your plan in a document protector. Place each document protector in your book in plan order.
You may elect to write in your book in pencil. You may share your binder or support documents with your public or promotional partner. ________________________________

Tell each person you mentor about your book and about how you provide hospitality. Assemble a hospitality team.

Have each member take a professional photograph; make a bio benefit resume, and take lessons in dance.

Be mindful of the traditions and restrictions of each guest. Establish a checklist for each event, theme, location, time, place, drink, and menu. Combine culture complements. Blend cuisine and flavors. Note the table setting, serving pieces, and ambient decorations in each environment. Organize, the goal: to make each person at your event feel warm, comfortable, and welcome; the job: to keep track.

Eliminate anything that could be offensive to anyone. Review your plan before issuing any invitation. Revise it anytime something in it fails to provide a desired outcome.

Moving to a New Community/ Meeting New People

Before moving to a new community, leave pleasant memories with your present one. Leave your last place clean. You can practice an old custom of leaving the broom in the house to wish the new comers well.

Send a note of thanks for any farewell party. You can send notification of your new address. It may convey thanks and let the recipients know that you do not intend to forget them.

When you get to the new location, locate a church, coffee shop, and or tavern in which you feel comfortable. Obtain a detailed local map on how to get someone to each. Locate streets that are neat to revisit, before or while touring the town.

Look for stores and trades people that appeal to you. (Get acquainted with any building/house staff– where they exist; enlist the aid of a superintendent, doorman, concierge, and maintenance person.) Wait to call upon established residents until they have called upon you. Return any visit or hospitality received.

Make friends with residents, a willing neighbor, and the community gradually. Begin slowly, informally, and with a few people.

You can elect to learn something about the history of the new community. This might be done preferably before moving to it.

Find someone with whom you share a sport, game, or activity. You can volunteer with or join an organization or club YMCA, Eagles, Moose, Gun Club, College alumnae or fraternal association, Ethnic Club, Elks, Masons, Country club, Swim/Tennis Club, 2nd Level Country Club, Exclusive Club, or the United Way. Avoid joining organizations indiscriminately. Chose those to which your personal knowledge and experience will enable you to contribute something.

Avoid getting into local politics when you can. You can serve on a political party committee, when restraint is near impossible.

You may be drawn together by another person’s work. This working relationship may determine to some degree your social obligations. Obligations are to be fulfilled to these acquaintances.

Pick a promotional and a public partner wisely. The promotional or public partner or a spouse is to direct your social activities. This partner is to take part from the wings. This can require a degree of mutual tact and personal compromise.

Avoid giving large cocktail parties. Dinner invitations are to come when you have widened your circle to invite people who you know will interest each other.

Rocking Your Cradle New to the Community - Hosting People Visiting Your City

Rocking your cradle is what to do when you move to a new community and what you do when someone is visiting you. Make a list of each place someone is to see when in your community or when you serendipitously run into a tourist and you want to show that person things to do and see. (You can use this list as a Table of Contents (for details located in a separate binder.) You may use this list to do an engine search for each item in each city you visit. One use is for rocking your cradle; the other is mastering your away trip. Enjoy your cradle. Let’s rock.

During walking tours, one of these places can be where everyone agrees to meet at start.

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