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Harold Almon Etiquette Coach
Be at Ease School of Etiquette Austin
Harold Almon Etiquette Coach
Be at Ease School of Etiquette Austin
Fruit can be juiced and served as a first course or as a beverage. Drink celebration fruit juice smoothies every day and you will wear each as you walk away. Fat free and low-calorie are not the same thing. I am told some people can eat fruit whole seeds and stem, that it may help cure what’s wrong with them. I could do this if I were not feeling well. I might stop doing this when my health got better.
Fruit can be used to make a frugal fruit salad, or sorbet. Avoid skipping the fruit; you could need the fiber, pectin, and lysine. Get a strainer or colander to assist in washing fruit (and vegetables.) Keep fruit sliced. Keep your fruits (except for bananas and bell peppers) pre-cut, airtight, and up high.
“Vegetable bins are where fruits go to die.” You may serve a dish of a dried fruit or mixed dried fruit. Dried fruit might make a snack or cocktail food; but these need a small serving spoon or metal scoop.
Zucchini, bell peppers, and summer squash, can be tossed in olive or safflower oil and fresh herb dressing, grilled, and served. These can be eaten raw.
There, these are fruits I know literally from A- Z.
Fruit is to be selected fresh, frozen, dried, or canned, fermented or pickled in that order. Canned fruit is to contain no added sugar and no corn syrup, were possible. Fresh fruit whole or pureed is to be used in lieu of juices. Learn fruits you can serve as a side and eat to burn. Eat whole fruits. You can juice them or just slice them in cubes and eat them with a fork, ball them and eat them with a spoon, or part them in segments, and eat them with your fingers. Informally, cut fruit can be eaten and shared with individual toothpicks. Fruits high in soluble fiber include citrus fruits, strawberries and apple pulp. Fruits can be high in insoluble fiber in the form of apple skin. Wash it off. Eat the sides of the apple including the skin, the rest you can eat or not. You can elect to eat fruits which are low-calorie and or that have a low Glycemic index. Engine search this. Know what you are eating and serving. Know if it has been genetically modified.
Fruits and vegetables have stickers (PLUs – Price Look up Codes.) PLU stickers that have 4 digits and begin with a “3” or “4” can mean produce is “conventionally” grown.
In the world of fruit and vegetable there are the dirty dozen foods you want to buy organic, and not to be mean there are the clean fifteen.
PLU stickers that have 5 digits and start with an “8” may mean produce was genetically engineered.
PLU stickers that have 5 digits and start with a “9” could mean produce was raised organically. Curious about other variations of codes you can go to fruitsticker.com
Fruits can be frugal in Season
Portion *1 cup or 1 counts as 1 cup
Servings 2 Servings
Exception Avocado 2 Tbsp or 1/8 piece, yeah right
Some say ¼ to ½ per day.
Calories 25% of your lunch can be fruit, cucumber and
tomatoes raw, cooked, or marinated count.
Look up night shades. Some may need to avoid these.
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